
Feel like your best self
Generate your own meditation practices
And get support from real experts to propel your growth

Personalize your mindfulness journey with Fwen AI, where you have full control over themes, voices, and sounds. Elevate your experience even further with our professional human coaches.



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Whether you're looking to be more present, to calm your mind, or advance your mindfulness practice, you can fully customize your sessions with our AI-powered tools. No more rigid pre-set programs—get something tailored to how you feel right now.

Early Access

Current Apps Are Rigid

Traditional mindfulness apps force you to follow rigid programs; with new technology, mindfulness solutions can evolve as well.

One Size Doesn't Fit All

Every individual's mindfulness journey is unique, so Fwen empowers users to create personalized sessions tailored to their needs.

Level Up with Human Experts

Fwen connects users with expert coaches who valuable human support, with Fwen AI tools.


Limited Slots

Fwen and Give Us Your Feedback

Access Fwen here and let us know what else you would like to see. It’s absolutely free, and we want to build this platform for the mindfulness community.

Become a Fwen Coach

Mindfulness in a minute


Experience quick and effective mindfulness sessions that help you find peace and clarity in just a minute. Whether you’re on the go or need a quick reset before a presentation, you can generate a meditation practice tailored to your context.

Custom sounds & voices


Personalize your mindfulness experience with a selection of custom voices and sounds that resonate with you. Choose from soothing tones and nature sounds to create an atmosphere that enhances your practice and keeps you engaged.

AI Assistant


Our AI assistant is here to provide support and answer your questions about mindfulness practices, helping you navigate your journey with personalized insights. Enjoy a conversational companion that adapts to your needs and preferences as you explore mindfulness and meditation.

Reflection Dashboard


With Fwen, you can easily track your reflection and progress through auto-generated journal entries that capture your mindfulness journey. This data-driven approach helps you identify patterns, set goals, and make meaningful improvements in your practice.

Become a Fwen Coach

Are you a.....


Leverage Fwen AI for new clients and utilize our tools to simplify client management

Our Fwen bot quickly replies to FAQs, track progress for personalized support and effortlessly create content with our Gen AI to enhance your offerings.


Secure your spot today

Early Access

Explore our beta version, where you can generate personalized meditations. We're continuously adding features to support your wellness journey.

Fwen.io FAQs

What are the benefits of signing up for early access?


Access personalized mindfulness sessions and new features while contributing feedback to help shape the platform and connect with a supportive community.


Utilize innovative AI tools to enhance your practice and connect with users eager to level up their mindfulness journey while providing input to improve the platform.

How does Fwen personalize meditation sessions?

Fwen uses Gen AI to tailor meditation sessions based on your preferences, mood, and goals, ensuring a personalized experience every time you practice.

Can I track my progress with Fwen?

Yes, Fwen allows you to track your mindfulness journey by monitoring your meditation habits, providing insights into your progress, and celebrating your achievements.

How do I connect with a coach on Fwen?

This feature is not available yet as we are still gathering feedback and onboarding the right coach partners for our platform.

I have feedback for the Fwen team!

Join our community here and give us your feedback.

Still have questions?

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

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The latest news, technologies, and resources from our team.


Ready to customize a quick meditation for how you’re feeling right now?

Sign up now and be part of the AI revolution with fwen.io!

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